Imagine walking into a room and seeing a huge area filled with nothing. No tables. No stage. No people; just a large amount of empty space. Well, we saw that and saw an opportunity to do something unprecedented. We imagined that room going from nothing to something as fast as it possibly could. Using the space as a canvas to create, we envisioned bringing the room to life in front of our clients’ eyes. And with that vision in mind, we got to work.

Transforming 40,000 square feet of space from nothing into something in just 5 minutes is not an easy task. But that is exactly what we set out to do. We thought about the logistics of the room and how we could speed up our set process by about 100 times. We worked with vendors and talent to ensure we could move and replace without causing any structural or physical harm. That process was taxing but well worth our end results.

minute setup
square feet of space transformed
One click on the below video, and you will witness the exact view our clients had. Their excitement was present then and will be with you, now. We executed our vision to perfection and surprised our clients with something they had never seen before and, safe to say, will never see again.